Helping woman over 40

Lose the last 10kg for good

Are you tired of

  • Not feeling in control of your weight

  • Feeling like there must be something wrong with you

  • Beating yourself up

  • Losing the same 5kg over and over

  • Wishing your clothes fitted you better

  • Spending money on diets, apps and exercise programs only to put the weight back on

  • Feeling exhausted and sick of suffering through weight loss

  • Never really enjoying treats, as they just result in you feeling guilty and ashamed

It wasn’t until I found a different way.

One that didn’t rely on diets, pills or crazy plans.

I lost all of my weight and kept it off for good.

No more suffering around food.

Just a simple solution that solved for why I was overweight in the first place.

A bit about me

What I have learnt about weight loss, is that it is never just about the food.

After decades of dieting, I learnt that it wasn’t so much the plan, but my ability and willingness to follow the plan, over the long term, that made weight loss so difficult. When I turned 40 it became even harder. As not only was I eating to feel better, less tired. There were also changes in my physiology, my hormones, my muscles that added further challenges.

Too often we are sold the diet, or the exercise plan, the pill or the app without the instructions on how to actually follow it. We are told to use will power, to resist the urge. We are only taught how to deal with the symptoms of weight loss, but never the causes of why are are actually over weight.

It wasn’t until I understood what was driving me to overeat in the first place. And understood the issue with resisting food, that I was able to solve for my weight problem once and for all.

Why this approach is different

In the Last 10kg we uncover why you are over weight and then use tools to reprogram the patterns of behaviour you have spent years practising.

Doing this gives you complete freedom around food, for life. You can weigh what you want, without all of the drama. You don’t have to cut back on the foods you love.

Instead you will have complete confidence and trust in yourself around food.

And so you can finally put an end to years of dieting and telling yourself you are not good enough. Instead you can put all that energy into the things you love.

You will get the body you always wanted, confidence and freedom around food.

The Program

  • Identify

    We uncover the root causes of why you are overweight and we identify the obstacles that prevent you from achieving your goal weight.

  • Plan

    We customise a plan specifically around your root causes and obstacles. A one size fits all model doesn’t work for weight loss, because our hormones and our minds all work differently. To lose weight for good, your plan has to be tailored around your root causes and obstacles.

  • Execute

    Over 8 weeks we work together on your plan. Solving for the obstacles that up until now have stopped you from achieving your goal. Learning the skills needed to give you freedom around food and the body you want.

This program will have you feeling


C . O . N . F . I . D . E . N . T

Start today

Get my free course which will teach you 3 things that will help you lose weight for good this week.

What People Are Saying

“I had always thought that I didn’t need support to lose weight. I kept saying that I would start tomorrow. Except I never actually lost all of the weight as something always came up. Through this program I have learnt that thinking I didn’t need support was my biggest issue. I wish I had done this years ago, as I have achieved more in 8 weeks than I have in the last 10 years. I would have saved myself so much time and could have been the weight I wanted all those years ago.”

— Steph, age 45

“This program showed me what I have been doing wrong all of these years. Once I learnt what was going on I was able to lose all of my weight and have kept it off. It gave me the tools to help me train my mind and have complete control over my body. It has completely transformed my relationship with food”

— Amy, age 41

“Claire manages to balance straight talking with understanding. She doesn’t talk down to you, or judge you. Rather seems to have a laser pointer that helps you drill down to the real issues. She helped me see what I couldn’t see myself and that was a game changer. I am no longer having to grit through diets to be the weight I love. I am recently single after years of marriage and feel so much more confident to get back out there. Something I was dreading. I feel like I finally have the secret sauce.”

— Claudia, age 44

Struggling with weight loss is not a personal failure.

It is a lack of tools and misinformation about weight loss.