I had always been 5-10kg heavier than I wanted to be. For over 20 years I was always on some sort of diet, low fat, plant based, keto, ready made meals, supplements. You name it, I had tried it.

Before I hit 40, I found that I could lose the weight in the short term, but it always came back. I never felt like I got to the weight maintenance phase. I was either dieting or beating myself up for having no self control.

Friends and family would tell me I didn’t need to lose weight (what’s an extra 5-10 kgs?!) and so when I wanted to break another diet I would tell myself, it didn’t matter, I wasn’t that big anyway. That I should love and accept myself for who I am. Or the good old, I will start again tomorrow. 

Soon I’d drop the diet and initially feel relieved, then that familiar voice would creep into my head telling me I had no control, that there was something wrong with me. That I was weak and didn’t have my shit together. 

Once I hit 40 it got worst

What used to work no longer did. My clothes were getting tighter, but I didn’t want to buy larger sizes. I kept thinking I would work it out, one day, when I wasn’t so busy.

The trouble was, I was always busy and I didn’t want to feel like I was missing out. I wanted to enjoy my life, I wanted to be able to enjoy a glass of wine, without the guilt.

As a single parent with a full time job, finding time to exercise everyday just wasn’t how I wanted to spend my time.  I wanted to be able to eat with my family and enjoy going out for dinner with friends and know how and what to order.

 I was fearful that if I didn’t get a hold of this, my weight would just keep getting higher and higher and I didn’t want to give in to the belief that my best days were behind me.  I’d had enough of suffering through weight loss and I decided I was going to work it out for good.  

What I learnt, was that a lot of what we have been taught about weight loss is wrong.

We are taught to resist - which only makes the feeling stronger.

Or to say no - without being given any tools on how to do this.

Now we are given pills, without treating the cause of why we are overweight.

We are being told what we need to do, without being taught how.

What I learnt is that to create change, and be the weight you want, you don’t need to accept a life of suffering and feeling like you are missing out.

You just need to understand the why and how for you.

Because your weight loss is about you. Your reasons, your drivers.

Once you understand and resolve for your why and how, through the support of this program weight loss becomes effortless.

Being the weight you are, is not something you need to settle for. You can weigh what you want, it isn’t too late. There isn’t something wrong with you. And it doesn’t require you to suffer and miss out.


Struggling with weight loss is not a personal failure.

It is a lack of tools and misinformation about weight loss.