Losing the last 10kg

12 week coaching program does things differently

We don’t just deal with with the symptoms of weight loss.

We deal with the drivers.

We solve for why you are overweight.

So you can lose your weight for good.

And have total freedom around food.

It starts with you

Our 12 week program, is designed specifically around you.

  • The program first starts by uncovering your drivers and causes for why you are overweight. We conduct an audit, identifying your patterns and any hormonal imbalances.

  • I take you through my process for creating change for lasting results. This is a simple tool, that you can apply to weight loss, and any part of your life, where you want to create change.

  • We then deep dive into hormones, understanding their impact on weight loss.

  • We learn about why change in hard. We review how our brain works, and learn how its operating system can actually be working against our efforts to lose weight.

  • We look at dopamine and desire, and how they can work for and against you

  • We co-create a plan that is tailored to you

  • We have 1:1 weekly coach sessions, for 12 weeks and you have 7 day text support to ensure you are supported throughout the program as you start reprogramming the patterns you have spent years building.

Struggling with weight loss is not a personal failure. It’s a lack of tools and misinformation about weight loss.

What you get

  • 12 on demand online tutorials

  • How to lose 10kg for good Workbook

  • On Demand access to How to lose 10kg tools, including my create lasting change process

  • 12, 1 hour 1:1 coaching sessions

  • 7 days a week text/messenger/email coaching support

Book in a free 30 minute session where we can explore your needs and see what is possible for you. If you like the free session, you can sign up for the program.

“Confidence and dreams, result in creating the life you are meant to live. Dreams and self-doubt results in resentment.

In my program, you bring your dreams and together we will build your confidence, so that you can have the body you want.”

— Claire Pallot