The process of change

We often hear that change is hard, and it is true. When you don’t understand how your brain works and you don’t have a framework to create change, then it is hard. As it feels like you are constantly climbing up hill with no reprieve.

The amazing thing about our brain is that it likes to maintain status quo. So if we can create change, once we are at our goal it will work to keep us there. Therefore any discomfort we feel is temporary.

The most effective way I have found to create change, is by following a systematic process.

  1. Understand where you are: At your current weight, what are you currently thinking and doing?

  2. Create your future state: At your goal weight, what will your be thinking and doing differently?

  3. Obstacles: List all of the reasons you can’t do those things now. 

  4. Actions: For each obstacle, create an action you will take to work through that obstacle. If your obstacle is a question, answer the question.

These obstacles are your roadmap. They are the things you need to work through to get to your future self. The actions you take against each obstacle will get you closer to your goal. There is no failure, only more insight and lessons about your obstacles.

As you work through your obstacles, you may find a few new ones will come up. Ones that were deeper, not so obvious. Ones that have been impacting you for a longer time, and ones that most likely impact other areas in your life. This is where the gold is. Unwind these and often the whole ball unravels.

Once you get through your obstacles, you will be different. You will be the person who weights what you want. You will be your future self. And because our brain likes to maintain status quo, there will be no more discomfort, rather your new weight will become your new normal.

In my 8 week program, we work through this together and I provide you with tools, to help unearth and work through all of the obstacles that are standing in between you and your future self.

This process works not just with weight loss, but with any goal you are wanting to achieve. So what are some of the obstacles holding you back and what are some actions you could try this week?

Change is possible, you just have to do things differently to what you have previously done.

If you are tried of dieting, and want to feel freedom around food, to enjoy the wine and lose weight, then sign up to my 8 week weight loss coaching program that solves for what is currently preventing you from losing weight. Weight loss is about your hormones and your brain. Once your learn how it applies to you, you can lose you weight for good. If you are not happy with the program, I offer a money back guarantee, so there is no risk, just an opportunity to achieve what you are after.


Recipe: Date bites


Why weight loss just math.