Recipe: Date bites

A simple, delicious and healthy snack. I keep mine in the freezer, and eat frozen, or half frozen as it makes the dates into a chewy toffee caramel texture. Dates are high in fibre and antioxidants. While they are sweet, the fibre helps them slow down the release of the natural sugars, so it won’t spike your sugars the same way as other sweeteners do.


  • 6 large Medjool dates

  • 3 tablespoons of hazelnut or almond butter

  • Pinch of sea salt


Remove the pits from the dates, and slice the dates lengthwise down the middle. Open up the date, but be careful not to pull it fully apart.

Place about 1/2 tablespoon of nut butter inside each date and sprinkle with a pinch of salt and close the date

Store in the freezer


Loving yourself as an action


The process of change