The Cut

Tips, tricks and hacks to help you lose weight for good

Claire Pallot Claire Pallot

Going after what you want

We can only create change in our lives when we first stop and really consider what it is that we want, without judgement or excuses and then accept that we are worthy, and we deserve to have what we want.

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Claire Pallot Claire Pallot

Why do you eat?

Diets solve for the what, but if you want to lose weight for good, you first have to uncover why you chose to eat at any given moment.

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Claire Pallot Claire Pallot

Recipe: Garlic Tahini Dressing

Tahini is a wonderful source of important nutrients like calcium, iron and protein. This is a staple in my fridge. I love to add this dressing to my salads and veggies. It also makes a great dipping sauce and goes really well with my tamari seeds recipe.

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Claire Pallot Claire Pallot

Eating food to feel connected

A common belief is that food is what creates connection. It feels true, real. It is a belief that is reinforced in movies, holidays, social media and most importantly by our own brains. But it is not the food that creates the connection, it is what goes on in our head.

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Claire Pallot Claire Pallot

Feelings - Part 3

So often we don’t even realise the feelings that dominate our day and the impact they have on our lives.

The biggest determinant for how we feel, is not something external to us, but rather how we choose to think about something. And so if we want to understand why we are feeling a certain way, we need to identify what we are thinking.

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Claire Pallot Claire Pallot

Feelings Part 2

To understand the results we have in our lives, we first need to understand how our feelings impact the actions we take.

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Claire Pallot Claire Pallot

Feelings Part 1

So much of what we do in life, is because we think it will help us feel, or avoid feeling a certain way.

Feelings play such a critical role when it comes to weight loss.

Once you start addressing your feelings, understanding what was going on, a big part of why you are over eating is no longer an issue.

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Claire Pallot Claire Pallot

Cravings vs hunger

When you have a hormonal imbalance one of the things you will experience are cravings. Cravings simply being urgent feelings of hunger.

How you deal with your cravings, has a massive impact on your ability to lose weight.

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Claire Pallot Claire Pallot


Habits are built through repetition. Repetition is just doing the same thing over and over again.

And this is the best news, as it means you can retrain a habit, in the same way that you trained it.

A slight change in your daily habits, can guide your life to a very different destination.

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Claire Pallot Claire Pallot

Loving yourself as an action

I had always thought I had loved myself, until someone asked me what actions do I take that are loving to myself? It was then I learnt that up until that point, I wasn’t very good at loving myself, and I soon realised that actively loving myself could actually help me achieve my goals faster.

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Claire Pallot Claire Pallot

The process of change

In this article I take you through my process for creating change. I use this process daily to ensure I achieve my goals and create the change I want in my life.

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