Why do you eat?

As woman we often find that we are very good at helping others, knowing what others want, what they need. But we are not as good at doing it for ourselves. Up until my mid thirties, I spent my time always trying to be better. 

Some would say the striving to be better, to be someone that people thought was good enough served me, as I achieved a lot in that time professionally, building a successful career, living around the world. Never having to worry about money. But then one day, the life I thought I was building fell apart and I needed to rebuild, myself and my life.  

At the time when everything fell apart I was 3 months pregnant, and so drinking and partying to avoid what I was feeling was not an option and so I opted to go inward. It was at this time that I discovered life coaching, and that is when everything changed for me. 

For the past 10 years, I have been on a journey, I have uncovered so much of myself, uncovered the patterns that had always run in the background - my operating manual for myself. 

It was going through this, that then led me on the path of certify as a life coach, because I wanted to help other woman enjoy their life more, help them feel less overwhelmed, more confident and excited about what is to come. 

Through coaching I found that it is often the same things that hold us back from achieving our goals. Over time we have created patterns, behaviours that no longer serve us. For me, it was getting through a difficult time that got me starting to look inward, but then the next layer of growth came when I applied it to losing weight. 

Because so much of why we eat is for emotional reasons, solving weight loss through coaching, meant that not only was I able to lose all of the weight I wanted, I found that it open up so many other areas of my life. 

To solve for weight loss for good, I had to bring to the surface the patterns and beliefs that were holding me back.

As it is only when you know what is getting in your way, that you can actually solve it for good. When it comes to weight loss though, we are taught only to treat ‘the what’, what we are eating, but not ‘the why’, why we are choosing to eat in that moment.

The secret to sustainable weight loss though is to uncover ‘the why’ the reasons you are eating in the first place. Identify them and then solve them one by one. In my program I have a process that we run through to surface and resolve these issues. 

However one way you can get started today is when you are next tempted to eat something that you know won’t support your weight loss goals, or when you notice that you want to eat for reasons other than hunger, stop yourself and instead answer these questions:

  1. Am I hungry?

  2. If no, why do I want to eat right now?

  3. How am I feeling?

  4. How will eating make it better?

  5. If I don’t eat what will happen?

The answers to these questions will highlight things you will need to solve for. Solve for these and you won’t need to overeat in that moment.  


Going after what you want


Red Velvet Smoothie