The Cut

Tips, tricks and hacks to help you lose weight for good

Claire Pallot Claire Pallot

Why weight loss just math.

There are 2 key drivers that cause us to be overweight. In this article we explore why weight is not just math, calories in, calories out.

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Claire Pallot Claire Pallot

3 key hormones critical for weight loss, for over 40’s

There were 2 pieces of information that completely impacted my ability to lose weight and also keep of off for good once I hit 40. In this article I am going to talk through the first, which was understanding over hunger, which is caused as a result of an imbalance in our hormones.

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Claire Pallot Claire Pallot

Get more pleasure

Is it really pleasure when you end up beating yourself up and feeling shame?

It is possible to lose weight and feel more pleasure, joy and confidence everyday?

In this weeks blog I talk about pleasure, how to get more of it and how to reduce the suffering we inflict on ourselves whilst trying to feel better.

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Why diets and fitness programs fail us

We have been told for too long that if we cant lose weight there must be something wrong with us. What I would like to offer is that this is not the case. All it tells me is you have a human brain working exactly as it has been designed to. And it is the understanding of our brain that for me is the missing ingredient in the weight loss programs out there.

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Morning Routines

Changing my morning routine, had the single biggest impact on changing the rest of my day.

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New Year Resolutions

Do you have a goal that you add to your list every year, but never seem to make any progress on it?

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